Monday, September 22, 2014


Goals are an important part of getting to where you want to be, not just in fitness but in life. When I started this journey my first goal was to lose 5 pounds in one months. In the true fashion of my upbringing that meant I was really striving for double that amount. I more than exceeded that goal and lost 12 pounds that month.

When I first started teaching colorguard, my goal was to have squads that only achieved scores of "1." And I did. I worked hard to create routines to the level of girls I was teaching so they could make them as clean as possible and be proud of the work they put in.

When I first started coaching for beachbody, I set a goal of being an Emerald coach in my first 3 months. I did. With the help of some amazing women, we have created Team Pure-Fit and we currently have over 100 members! OVER 100 people since February have trusted us to help then find the tools they need to make their goals happen. That is huge! If you are one of the coaches in my team or one of the members, THANK YOU! Thank you for taking a risk and doing something good for yourself, it is important.

Now that it is the end of September, I have a new goal. I want to be a Ruby coach by January 2015. For this to happen I am looking for people who are really ready to be held accountable. When you are a coach everyone is watching to see if you did your workouts, if you ate right, it has been the most incredible experience for me personally. I feel like I can't let those 100+ people down. If you are looking to really change your life, come be a coach with me, come be part of the team pure-fit coaching team and learn what it like to help others in a way you never thought possible. I am so blessed to have this opportunity, to have a job where I make some income while helping others become healthy, it is truly a passion for me.

If you are interested, please contact me! I would love to talk with you more about what it means to coach.

Thanks for reading,

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Baby Steps

I often forget what it was like when I first started my fitness and health journey. I forget that I am no where near where I am today. I didn't dive head first into clean eating when I first started. In fact, I had no idea what clean eating what when I started.

Lets go back to the 255lb, size 22, unhealthy, unhappy, girl I was in September of 2012.

I woke up one day and said, " I don't want to feel like this anymore."

That was it. That was the first step.

Now, a lot of people have that first step. But then, I hear people say things like, "I just don't know where to start." Or my personal favorite, "I just don't have the time or money."

Lets call that second one what it really is, "I just don't make it a priority." We can talk more about this one later.

The first one though, I know what that feels like. I was totally there. I just didn't feel like I was properly educated enough to fix the problem. It seems silly right?

I mean really? How hard could it be to know that you should eat veggies and fruits instead of potato chips.

No, I didn't really understand that even "the good stuff" I was consuming was holding me back.

So, first baby step for me was recognition, then the second step was ASKING FOR HELP!

WHAT!? WAIT, WHAT!? Yes, help! So this is what I did.

I asked my very good friend, who is a beach body coach, to help me. And she did.

She came over and worked out with me so I could see if I wanted to do the program Insanity.

And thats how it started. Then everyday, everyday, I pressed "play" and did the Insanity workouts. EVERYDAY.

I lost 75 pounds that way.

It was a baby step. No, no, I couldn't do those workouts in their entirety or even most of the moves in the beginning. But then something started to happen. I GOT STRONGER! Before long I was competing with myself to push a little harder each day, to make myself try at least one push up off my knees, to get a little deeper in my squats, to jump a little higher, to get one more repetition in.

It doesn't happen over night. These things take time and practice.

I became a beach body coach because I experienced beach body. I believe in the programs because they helped me and thousands of other people. Now I just want to help you achieve your goals.

Are you ready to take some baby steps?

I'm ready to help you. Contact me, lets talk.


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Sample Meal Plan (For a Week)

Clean eating doesn't mean you have to go broke, this is what I eat in a week. Of course cost here will vary and I buy and plan around sales. This is no sales or coupons included. Even Shakeology at the full retail price. I hope this helps!

Thanks for reading,

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Allergen Free Sources of Protein

So sorry it has been far to long since I have posted! 

Here is a list I have complied of allergen free sources of protein!

Quinoa: this is a plant protein that takes on whatever flavors you cook it in. I like to cook it in one cup sodium free chicken broth and one cup water. I add it to meat for stuffed peppers or meatballs. You can also add veggies like peppers, onions,  broccoli to the cooked quinoa and form them into patties and “fry” them on the stove top. They have the consistency of hashbrowns. Just be careful of your carbs with quinoa.

Spinach: a great source of protein and not going to jack up the carb intake.

Beef jerky: a good quick snack. Though some brands are higher in sodium than others so always read your labels!

Peas: peas are an amazing source of protein, make a good side, or mix it with brown rice or quinoa.

Brown rice: I prefer quinoa over brown rice simply because I can have more of the quinoa than the brown rice for the same nutritional value. 

Sunflower seeds: crazy right? yeah sunflower seeds hold a whopping 7.5g protein for 2oz. They make sunflower “peanut butter” that is a great alternative to actual peanutbutter since it is nut free.

Lentils and Beans: oh I love black beans. Soup is a great way to get in beans and peas and add some carrots and whatever else you like, cook it up at the beginning of the week and boom, lunch for the week.

Kale: I never thought I would like Kale, but if you dry it, I mean really dry it with paper towels put a little EVVO on it and bake it on some parchment paper at 375 for about 12 minutes. It is so good! 

Mushrooms: if you like mushrooms, I love to sautee them up with some yellow onion and garlic and worcestershire sauce and put it on top of some chicken!

Peppers: bell peppers are a great source too. Guess what? Fajitas! 

Cauliflower: just like kale, I only really like this one roasted but it takes about 30 minutes to roast a head of flower, it is super super addictive be sure to eat it with people who also like it so you don’t eat the whole thing.

Tomatoes: I eat a cucumber tomato salad every night. Its my treat. I love it. But tomatoes in general anyway you want them have 18% protein

Cucumbers: I adore cucumber. It is an amazing veggie. It helps maintain blood sugar, reduce inflammation in the body, can cure headaches and body aches. Really just an amazing veggie. 

 Asparagus: I also like this one roasted in the oven. Super good.

Chia seeds: just like sunflower seeds these little seeds pack a ton of protein in a small space! I love them on my salad!

Chicken: has about 25 to 28grams of protein per chicken breast! thats pretty awesome.

Salmon: 22grams of protein in a 4oz fillet of salmon. Really watch your fat content for the day because salmon is full of those wonderful omega-3 fatty acids that your brain needs!

Chick peas: yummmy, hummus! Not everyone loves hummus but I am a huge fan, I put it on my deli turkey and roll them up. So good.

Deli meat: I eat about 4 to 8 slices a day of deli meat, just really watch your sodium with what kind you buy! Don’t buy the sodium free. It is nasty. 

Sweet potato: yum! I love white sweet potatoes those are my fav. I cube them up dash a little EVVO on them and a lot of cinnamon and bake them for about 40 minutes at 425 in  the oven. 

Steel Oat: very high in protein. I like to add fruit to mine.

Tilapia: this fish wont jack up your fats like salmon does. I love to put sauteed red and yellow bell peppers and red onion and garlic on top of my tilapia with a side of long grain and wild rice.

Lean beef, bison, or venison: these are excellent sources of protein as well and such a variety as to how to cook it!

Hope this is helpful!

Thanks for reading,

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tilapia and peppers

This a simple and great way to up your protein! 

I pan sear multicolor bell peppers, red onion, and garlic to taste.

Pan grill 10oz of tilapia.

Cover tilapia with peppers and enjoy! 

Simple and super easy when you just don't know what to make for dinner and takes about 15 minutes ;)

Thanks for reading,

Monday, May 19, 2014

Gluten Free Chicken Rotini

So I love pasta, really, really, love pasta. 

If you haven't figured it already, I am a foodie. YUP I didn't gain all that weight by not eating ;)

The challenge is how it eat the things you love in a healthy way.

Here is one:
1 chicken breast (I baked it then cubed it)
5 olives (watch this, the fat is high)
8 grape tomatos 
1 clove of garlic
.25 tbs of olive oil
3/4 cup of Rozitini Gluten Free Rotini

I LOVE THIS PASTA!! It is a blend of white rice, brown rice, quinoa, and corn! This combo instead of just one makes it taste just like white pasta! No gritty or slimy taste! Just cook according to the directions on the box.

Throw it all together in a bowl and add a sprinkle of parmesan cheese and enjoy!

Thanks for reading,

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Sausage egg muffin

I don't know why buy I just figured out that if I use a muffin tin, I can pre make egg whites to go with my Jimmy Dean Turkey sausage patties and my Food for Life Gluten free English Muffins!

So I filled my 12 tins with 3 egg whites each and baked them for about 12 minutes at 375 degrees.

I micro zap them for about 15 seconds to warm them up throw them on my muffin with my sausage and enjoy!

Quick easy and very filling breakfast :D

Thanks for reading,

Monday, May 12, 2014

Taco Stuffed Peppers

So you all know how much I LOVE MEXICAN FOOD! I mean seriously, it is ridiculous!! 

I came across a wonderful idea, add corn and black beans to my ground venison tacos! 

Oh wait annnnnd add stuff that inside a red bell pepper!!

So here is what I did:
Cook up 1lb of whatever lean meat you love
add a can or no sodium aded corn
add a can of low or no sodium black beans
add taco seasoning

stuff into red bell peppers
place stuffed peppers onto cookie sheet and cover with foil
cook at 400 degrees for 45 minutes

Enjoy!! severing size is one whole pepper stuffed!

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, April 26, 2014



Everyone wants to know which vitamins are the best. Here is the simple answer. If you are taking a vitamin, chances are it is synthetic and your body is only absorbing about 35% of those vitamins.

Yep, you are paying to pee out the rest. 35%! That is it!? Yeah that sucks. Plain and simple that isn't going to do much.

This is why I don't take a vitamin.

Now, what is so impressive about Shakeology?

Pssssssst…. It is not a protein shake!

What! Wait a minutes, I totally thought it was?


Shakeology is an all natural, non-GMO, meal replacement, packed with vitamins made from REAL food! Shocker!

Guess what happens when you get your vitamins from real food and not synthetics?

Your body uses about 85% if not more! Yep you are not pissing away your money, you are actually benefiting from this high absorbency of vitamins in Shakeology!

This is why I drink it, EVERYDAY!

There is no caffeine, no synthetic vitamins, and all from natural foods.

There is nothing on the market like it.

True it promotes healthy digestion, and a wonderful side effect from drinking Shakeology and clean eating is weight loss, more importantly it is promoting health.

I love the results I have obtained from Shakeology and my Beachbody workout programs, it is nice to look great on the outside, it is even better when I know that the inside is matching the outside.

If you are thinking about making a change, a step toward health, I would love to help you.

The next 30 day clean eating challenge will coincide with a new t25 challenge group, starting May 12th. You can join either or both! The last day to sign up is April 30th.

Contact me here, on Facebook ( Tiffany Danielle Willoughby), or email me (

My team, Team Pure Fit, is a wonderful support system and you can be part of it simply by deciding you want to commit to health.

Thanks for reading,

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Breakfast wrap

One way to cut down your budget, have a hunter in the family! 

My awesome husband gets us at least two deer a year so we hardly ever eat beef and it saves us so much money!!

Tonight I made this deliciousness: breakfast wrap!

Three bell peppers
1lb ground breakfast sausage 
9tsb egg whites
1 gluten free, dairy free, egg free wrap
And I added sour cream

Delicious, cheap, and easy!

Thanks for reading!

Friday, April 18, 2014


I would venture to say I am a sandwich lover. 

In fact, I love sandwiches so much I would rather eat them for breakfast than most breakfast foods. 

When I came to the stark realization that something I loved so much was wrecking havoc on my body I was devastated. 

Yep, devastated. I am not exaggerating.  

So I have been on a quest to find a good tasting bread that was gluten free and dairy free; since I was doing that why not try to find one that is egg free too so Andrew can join in the sandwich life. 

After 2 months of searching I have found one! ONE THAT I LOVE!

Food for Life is the maker of this little bag of deliciousness!

And here is the trick, it is located in your grocery store's organic section and in the freezer. We keep ours in the fridge at home and then I "toast" the bread in a frying pan on the stove before assembling our sandwiches.

This bread is awesome. It has a little sweetness much like honey oat bread would!

It is a pricey at $5.49 per loaf but really that is not bad considering I won't be doubled over in pain after eating it and my kid can eat it too!

Thanks for reading,

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Lifestyle, Not Diet

Someone very wise once told me, if you don't stick to your decisions, things will never change.

Yep. So true.

I am a person that can't just dabble in things, it drives my husband crazy, but only because he is the same way.

If I am learning something and enjoying something, I get consumed. I try to learn as much as I can. I don't really know where that trait came from. It is almost OCD learning.

Clean eating is no different. I have gained tons of knowledge in a very short amount of time. What I learned was devastating to me. We ARE KILLING OURSELVES, and most of us either don't realize it, or just don't care.

I care.

I didn't realize, but now I do, and I care.

I don't want a full hysterectomy at age 26. That is what my doctors where looking at in February.

I care.

I don't want to be split open.

I care.

I don't want to be sick all the time or feel run down.

I care.

So, what do I do?

Simple, change.

Our clean eating really started from Andrew's allergies. But after a month of clean eating and drinking Shakeology every day, the benefits I felt were so addictive. I don't feel like crap. I get out of bed in the morning. I sleep at night!

Here is the most important part to me, a month after I started clean eating, we are postponing surgery. My "diet" made such an impact on my body, the doctor has given me the choice to postpone a few months and see how much more things can improve.

This is not about weight. Not anymore. This is about HEALTH.

I have made this a lifestyle change, not a diet. Weight loss is just a perk, a side effect, of clean eating.

If you are considering your health, I dare you, I double dog dare you, to join my team for the May 12th 30 day clean eating challenge. Then I triple dog dare you to tell me it is just a diet.

Who is ready?

Contact me here, Facebook (Tiffany Danielle Willoughby), or by email (tiffanywilloughby2@gmailcom) for more information or to join!

Thanks for reading,

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Chicken, White Sweet Potatoes, and Roasted Cauliflower

Last week when I went to pick up my Farmer's Market Fresh Basket, I received white sweet potatoes. 

I have never had, let alone made, white sweet potatoes so I did what I do every time I get something I have no clue how to cook, I messaged Susan. I asked her to ask her amazing cook of a husband, James. James's recipes are so delicious sometimes I feel guilty eating certain foods. 

So tonight's dinner:
My amazing husband, Clay, grilled, to absolute perfection, chicken breasts.
I sautéed up some white onion, garlic, and baby portabella mushrooms in some Worcestershire sauce.
It was amazing!

As for the white sweet potatoes:
We cubed them up, sprinkled them with extra virgin olive oil and cinnamon.
Cooked at 450 degrees for about 30 minutes.
I added a little salt too, I loved the sweet and salty combo!
These were literally gone in minutes! The boys, myself and Clay LOVED them!

Roasted cauliflower is one of our favorites!
I put the cauliflower in a corningwear dish sprinkle with extra virgin olive oil and salt. 
Cook for about 40 minutes at 450 degrees.

This entire dinner was 352 calories per person here is the break down:
1 chicken breast 
1 tsp worcestershire sauce
5 tbs white onion
2 cloves of garlic
5 oz baby bella mushrooms
1 white sweet potatoe
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt
2 cups roasted cauliflower
1/2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (between your potatoes and cauliflower)


Thanks for reading,

Monday, April 7, 2014

Chicken fajitas and fresco salsa

I LOVE mexican food! It is a problem. So how do we make our favorite dishes when we are trying to change how we eat? Make them at home!

For chicken fajitas for two:
2 cooked and cubed chicken breast
2 green bell peppers
1 red bell pepper
1/2 yellow onion

Fajita season to taste:
Chili powder
Salt (use sparingly!)
Garlic powder
Onion powder

Sautéed onions and peppers till tender.
Add already cooked chicken.
Add season and 1/4 cup water 
Cook on medium to low heat until water is mostly gone.

I eat mine just like this, no tortilla. But another option would be in a lettuce leaf! 

For salsa:
1 tomato
2 cloves garlic
1/4 onion
1/4 cup fresh cilantro

I use my ninja blender blen it all up add a little salt and pepper to taste!

We eat this with: 


Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Chicken, Pears, and Walnut Salad

You all know I am big on meal prep! Saves a lot of time!

So this week I grilled up a bunch of chicken breasts for stir fry, chicken breast for dinner, and salads.


What you need:
1 grilled chicken breast
2 cups lettuce (I use butter lettuce cause it comes in my organic basket)
1 peeled and sliced fresh pear
A handful of Walnuts

This makes a lot just so you know and I use 1tbs as a serving size
1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
1/2 cup olive oil
2 tbs of raw honey

I heat my chicken, I'm not a fan of cold chicken though.


Thanks for reading,

Monday, March 31, 2014

Focus T25

How about we talk for a minute about Focus T25?

This program has different levels, it starts with Alpha, goest to Beta, and finishes with Gamma.

I just finish my first week of the Alpha program.

What I LOVE:
1. There is a modifier on screen! If you can't do high impact this is awesome!
2. It is only 25 minutes of your entire day, er-body got time fo that!
3. It is still Shaun T ;)
4. It is a great beginner program!

Even if you are super, and I mean super, out of shape this is a great first step because there is a modifier and it isn't crazy like the Insanity program but it is still cardio to help you drop that weight!

Don't get me wrong, even if you are modifying it is hard. HARD! But doable.

Fitness is more than just working out, to me anyway, it is about seeing how you can improve yourself.

This is one thing I LOVE about Shaun T.

He says, on more than a few occasions, "it isn't about how many we can do it is about how much you can do." It is all about you after all.

How can you change your body and make yourself stronger?

If you are thinking about taking that first step toward fitness, I would love to help you get there!

Coaching is absolutely FREE, let me help you achieve your goals by following this LINK and lets make a stronger you!

Thanks for reading,

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Pasta fagioli soup!

Some of you may not know, but I am an Olive Garden addict. Bad.

So how happy was to find I could recreate pasta fagioli! The only exception, I left out the meat. 

Here is what you need: 
28oz vegetable broth
15oz great northern beans
14oz diced tomatoes
2 zucchini quartered
1tbs EVOO
1.5tsp minced garlic
1/2tsp dried basil
1/2tsp dried oregano
1/2 cup uncooked ditalini

Bring to a boil let simmer for 30 minutes
This serves 5.


Thanks for reading,

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Quest Bars?

Ok, I have heard a ton about Quest protein bars, and I will admit, I was super excited to try them due to all the hype.


Nope, tasted like straight up protein. Blah.

I tried three, yes, three different flavors. Most of which I took a bite and spit it back out.

Some people love them, I am just not one of them.

So, rather than those, I decided I will make my own little snack.

Though Quest bars have 21g of protein (hence the awful taste), my snack won't have that much, it is still clean.

Here is what I plan to do:
1 cup "Kind" quinoa oat granola
2 tbs all natural crunchy almond butter
Make "cookie" size snacks
Roll in wax paper and freeze for 90 minutes
cut in half and enjoy!

Well that is the plan anyway, so I will definitely blog the results.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Quinoa pasta and Meat sauce

Tonight I made quinoa pasta for the first time! Super easy! However, do not put kale in the oven and get destracted it ends in a smoke alarm going off and wasted delicious kale! 

Anyway, here is what I made tonight:

Here is what you need:

1 Jar of Classico traditional (we use this brand because there is no soy, yes they put soy in sauce for absolutely no reason!)
1 lb of meat (I used venison because that is all we eat in our house but lean turkey or lean beef is a good choice too.)
1 box of Ancient Harvest Quinoa pasta

Follow the directions on your box for the pasta. Brown you meat and drain. Add Classico to meat and simmer while pasta cooks. Combine and enjoy!

A quick dinner for the Italian palate.

Thanks for reading,

Friday, March 21, 2014

Dinner and a Movie

Balance, is key to life. We need it to survive, we need it to enjoy. Tonight I had a wonderful healthy meal with my husband and mom, and then my husband and I enjoyed popcorn at the movies with our friends. Balance.

So Dinner:

My mom and I both enjoyed a grilled chicken breast toped with sautéed mushrooms, onions, and garlic in a worcestershire sauce, with a side of roasted cauliflower, and roasted asparagus.

It was amazing!
Clay enjoyed a sirloin steak with wild grain and brown rice, he tried (and actually liked roasted cauliflower), and roasted asparagus. He also marinated his steak in worcestershire sauce.

And the movie…. we went to see Divergent with our friends Scott and Laura, who also read the books. Of course any movie being adapted from a book will have to make some changes to make the movie stand on its own, but the changes were awesome, and I felt added to the over all effect. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and the special effects were outstanding. They did a fantastic job showing the emotions from the book translating to film. I also enjoyed my movie theater popcorn, though my stomach is not so happy with me now…. I'm thinking probably because of the butter, dang dairy!

Anyway, the point is, you can make healthy changes and still live a "normal life." You can still enjoy going out with your friends. 80/20 rule people, its important.

Thanks for reading,

Thursday, March 20, 2014


So one of my favorite, and I do mean favorite, foods is PIZZA!

I am the girl that can eat an entire large pizza solo. No Joke. I LOVE IT!

Thats not good. And especially not clean!

So this is something I have been struggling with, but no more!

I bought this dough in the organic section at Kroger, it is Pamela's pizza dough. It is made with rice flour (score!). So I followed the directions on the package, I recommend this method of rolling the dough between two pieces of parchment paper, it was super easy!

 I cooked up some chicken and tossed it in buffalo sauce.

While the crust was pre-baking, I gathered my other ingredients:
Classico pizza sauce (no preservatives)
Part Skim Milk Ricotta Cheese
Part Skim Milk Mozzarella

Put the ingredients on and baked according to the package!

It was delicious! I apologized for not getting an after it was cooked picture but we had somewhere to be right after dinner so it was a pull from the oven, eat quick and go kinda night!

I highly recommend the crust and you can make the pizza however you best like!

Thanks for reading,

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Tips for the Fastlane Lifestyle

It seems we are always on the go! Seriously, we have things on our calendar as far as a year in advance, its nuts! A question I get a lot is: how have you stayed on track with being so busy isn't it hard to fall off the wagon? Yes, and no. I have a few tips and tricks I have learned along the way, one of them is make preparations!

Last year, for christmas, my mom gave us one of the best presents ever, a Zoo Atlanta year pass! I know that doesn't sound very exciting but let me tell you we went just about once a week and it was brilliant because I could get the boys out of the house and do something fun and educational at the same time!

This year, I upgraded our passes, it is fantastic because I know have admission for two adults and four children (children under 3 don't need a ticket) in to the Zoo, so today I met up with my amazballz friend Laura, her little girl and her two nieces. We packed a lunch and picnicked in the Zoo. Though it was colder than the weather man predicted we and the kids had a great time!

Two years ago I would have just bought lunch there. I would have spent the outrageous amount of money to save a little time in the morning getting out the door. Now, is a much different story.

One item I LOVE is my Thirty One cooler! This lets me pack and go quick! It never leaks, and keeps all our food cold! Shout out to Kaley, my consultant! Follow her link to check out super awesome coolers and lunch boxes!

Products as simple as a cooler or lunch box can make a big difference in the deciding factor of packing or buying.

Today, I packed:
2 cups of my new organic romaine lettuce
4 oz chicken breast tossed lightly in buffalo  sauce and lite ranch dressing from Naturally Fresh
1 serving of tomato cucumber salad (one cucumber and 5 oz of cherub tomatoes tossed in 1 tbs EVOO)
6 boars head maple honey turkey slices rolled up with 1 tsp of Atheno's roasted red pepper hummus
1 organic pink lady apple
1 32oz water bottle

And that was just for me!

For the kids:
Light Brown Rice Bread with Private Selects Wildflower Turkey
2 bananas one for each
my oldest had a yogurt
2 small containers with 1.5 servigins of Kettle Brand Krinkle Cut Potato chips
1 organic orange
Both of the boy's water bottles

Packing lunch saved me about 1,000 calories of junk food I could have had at the Zoo, cause lets be real, I would not have ordered a salad, it totally would have been chicken fingers and fries with a big ole helping of ranch dressing!

Meal prepping once a week can really help too. Most of the food I packed, I already had put together last week, so I was able to just grab and go!

If you are looking to change your lifestyle, I would love to help you! I am a team beach body coach, if you would like me to help you through your journey, contact me here, Facebook (Tiffany Danielle Willoughby), or email me (

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Farmer's Market Baskets and Kale Chips!

Well, today I picked up my first basket from Farmer's Market Baskets! I ordered the large organic basket for $35.70. I was not disappointed! It was a little strange pick up at Brookstone, is at someone's home but Lori, the lady that lives there, is super nice!

Looks like a good size bag right? Lets talk weight cause this was heavy!

This is what was inside!
2 heads of romaine lettuce
1 bushel of spinach
1 bushel of kale
1 bushel of asparagus
1 cucumber
1 onion
1 red bell pepper
1 tomato
2 leamons
1 bunch of bananas
4 pairs
4 oranges
4 apples
Normally priced (at Kroger) for all this organic…….. grand total of $65!
Yep I'm a die hard customer now!

Secondly, I had no idea what to do with Kale. None. However, one of my teammates, Molly, had mentioned making Kale chips this week. So I thought, sure lets do that!

So first, pre-heat oven to 300. Next rinse your Kale and then dry it, dry it, dry it!! Don't forget DRY IT! As dry as you can possibly get it!
Then, remove it from its "ribs" (the middle part) and cut into 1.5 inch bits.

After that put it in a bowl and mix with olive oil and salt. You really want to get the olive oil over every little piece so it won't "bruise" in the oven. Place on parchment paper, do not double Kale up! Bake for about 12 minutes, let cool for about 30 seconds and enjoy!

I was super surprised at how much I LOVED it, and the boys too, Clay, not a fan but the man won't eat salad either so c'est la vie. I was also informed it does not store well so only make what you will eat!

Thanks for reading,

Monday, March 17, 2014

Fresh Salmon, Mashed Potatoes, and Roasted Asparagus

Hi All!

Tonight I did something special: fresh salmon, adapted mashed potatoes, and roasted asparagus.

First, I usually buy skin on salmon from the fish department at Publix. The Publix near us has a phenomenal fish department!

I baked the salmon at 350 degrees for 20 minutes in a pyrex dish covered with foil and seasoned with Emeril's Fish Season and Majic's Salmon Season.

Next, I peeled four large white potatoes, cut them into quarters and boiled them just like normal.

Once finished cooking, I drained them and put them in a large bowl. I added 1/4 cup of Rice Milk and 1/4 cup Earth Balance and blended with my mixer. I added salt and pepper to taste (very little salt).

This recipe for the mashed potatoes is great for anyone with a dairy allergy. Plus, the Earth Balance we buy is "soy free" which is great for people with soy allergies as well!

Lastly, the asparagus, snap the ends put on a cookie sheet and sprinkle with parmesan cheese, let roast for 12 minutes.


Currently I have 2 spots left for the April 7th Team Fitini 30 Clean Eating Challenge.

We eat food just like this and all the recipes you find here. For more information, contact me here, Facebook (Tiffany Danielle Willoughby), or email (

Thanks for reading,

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Banana Muffins With Quinoa Flour And Oats

Since we found out Andrew is now allergic to gluten, we can't use regular flour.

Also, after 23 day of no gluten for me, I ate two sandwiches this week on multigrain bread, boom, hello acne! This is one of the signs of gluten intolerance! Imagine that.

So, we have gone gluten free. I have revamped the previously posted banana muffins, with some much improved ingredients!

Here is what you need:
2 cups quinoa flour
3/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup Earth Balance
(this is a butter substitute, completely dairy free and comes in "soy free" so we can consume it!)
1/2 cup organic apple sauce
3 over ripe bananas
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup quick oats
Cinnamon to taste
 Whisk all the dry ingredients together. Add all the wet ingredients and blend!

Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees
Grease muffin pan, I use extra virgin olive oil because the sprays have soy in them. 

Pour equally and bake for 40 minutes or until a toothpick can be cleanly inserted and removed. 

Let cool for ten minutes.

Remove and Enjoy!

This recipe yields 12 muffins.
192 calories
3.1g fat
38 carbs
3.4g protein
2.7g fiber

Thanks for reading,

Friday, March 14, 2014

Stuffed Peppers

Well after making those delicious banana muffins, we found out Andrew is allergic to flour. So now we are looking at replacements for that recipe. Possibilities are maybe a quinoa flour? I will test and let y'all know! Especially all of you out there that are gluten free!

Tonight we are having stuffed bell peppers….. can anyone say yummy?

Here is what you need:
1 pound lean ground turkey
1/4 white onion chopped
1/4 cup tomato sauce
1/2 cup quinoa
1 can chicken broth, I used the 100% fat free and reduced sodium
Frank's Red Hot Sauce
Lemon Pepper Season
 Cook quinoa in 1 cup water and 1 cup broth. Bring to a boil and cover let simmer 15 minutes.
While the quinoa is cooking, cook turkey and onions, and add seasonings.
 Once the turkey is cooked add tomato sauce and quinoa.
Place peppers on a cookie sheet and stuff! 
Put remaining broth in the bottom of the pan and then cover with foil.
Bake on 400 degrees for 35 Minutes. 

I would like to thank Shaun T. for this recipe, and for so much more. Thanks Shaun!

This is one of our favorite clean eating recipes. If you are interested in learning more about clean eating, comment here, message me on Facebook (Tiffany Danielle Willoughby), or email me at

Thanks for reading,

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Insanity Results

So up until now most of my posts have been about food! Well lets get into the fitness side a little bit.

My name is Tiffany, and I am an Insaniac. My program of choice is Insanity

Yep I am addicted! I have completed this program 4 times but today was day one of the 5th time and this time is very different from the others. 

How is that? Well two things: one, I am drinking my shakeology every day. I used to just drink it every now and then but since I started drinking it everyday I have seen results I didn't know I could! Second, I am not modifying any moves! 

All the times I have done this program I have always done girl push-ups, didn't really do a ton of the jumping because I was just too out of shape, I mean the people on the videos are professional fitness people, I am not! 

I was still cursing at the TV this morning though! But, I pushed through because I know I want this!

The first time I did Insanity I had a lot of 1 reps or 5 reps on the fit test. Today was amazing. My reps are higher than I ever thought I could achieve.

Sometimes, it is hard to accept that I am no longer 255 pounds. I have a hard time reminding myself I am smaller, quicker, stronger, and now I can "dig deeper" and push harder!

Here are my before and afters. 

Okay, not really after because I am down from even here! That was right before I started the 30 day Clean Eating Challenge and finished round 4 of Insanity.

These are real results! 

These programs work, but you have to be willing to work for it. Just hoping for it, thinking about it, won't change you! I can say I have worked for it and I love it! I feel so much better, I didn't know I could feel this good, physically and emotionally. 

I still have a ways to go to reach my goal and I am hoping by changing my lifestyle to clean eating and round 5 of Insanity, I will reach it!

The next 30 day challenge starts April 7th. You don't have to workout, you just have to commit to change your life. But if you do want to take it a step further, I run an Insanity support group on Facebook, I would love to coach you!

Contact me here, Facebook (Tiffany Danielle Willoughby), or email ( if you are ready for a change! I would love to help you achieve your goals!

Thanks for reading,

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

2 Great Finds!

I found two wonderful things, Farmers Market Baskets and Banana Oat Muffins!

First, Farmers Market Baskets, this is amazing if you live on the west side of Atlanta. They are based out of Kennesaw but they do drop off delivery baskets!

I bought the $25 membership for the year and visited the market today.

At the market I spent $17 and got a bunch of free bananas that were over ripe, so that is what the next part of the blog is for. I bought, 4 organic apples, 2 organic pairs, a back of organic black berries, a pack of organic strawberries, a bunch of organic asparagus, organic yellow squash, and organic tomatoes and cherubs!

So after seeing that loot, I went home, went on the website and ordered the large organic basket for $35 which I can pick up next Tuesday in the Brookstone neighborhood, that is the closest drop off point near me.

I encourage visiting the website Farmers Market Baskets, they are also on Facebook!

Second, Bannan Oat Muffins! I adapted this recipe from traditional Banana Nut Bread.

3 over ripe banans
1/2 cup organic apple sauce
1 cup quick cook oats
1 cup sugar
1 cup flower
1 tbs vanilla extract

Pre-heat oven to 350.
Mix in a large bowl.
Grease a muffin pan, I use all natural extra virgin olive oil.
Sprays like PAM, even the olive oil ones have soy product.
Equally distribute the mix into the muffin pans.

Let cook for 35 minutes or until you can cleanly dip a toothpick in and out.
Let stand for 10 minutes before removing. Enjoy!

Thanks for reading,

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


When most people think of clean eating they think, "oh my gosh all I get is rabbit food!"

That can not be further from the truth.

Think of it this way: less ingredients, its ok.
I can pronounce all the ingredients and I know what they are without google, its ok.
God (or whatever you believe in) made it, its ok.

That includes TACOS! My favorite food is spicy. Spicy anything! So here is how you make clean eating tacos:
 I use a pound of ground venison because my husband is a hunter so we hardly ever buy beef. These crunchy shells by Old El Paso are amazing. Whole grain corn and in palm oil! This is important for us because most of these are in soy oil and Andrew is allergic to soy! I also use Kroger reduced sodium taco seasoning, it is also clean.
A little cheese on top and boom, dinner is served in under twenty minutes!

I still have spots open for the 30 day clean eating challenge starting April 7th. Message me on Facebook at Tiffany Danielle Willoughby or email me for more information!

Thanks for reading,

Quinoa Jambalya

A few weeks ago, while on Pintrest, I found this awesome site with a ton of clean eating recipes. Since then I have tweaked and modified a lot of them so my family can eat them. One of my new favorites is Quinoa Jamabayla!

Here is what you need:
1 zucchini chopped
1 onion chopped
 2 cloves of garlic chopped.
All of that is in one bag that I had meal prepped last Thursday.
2 Red bell peppers diced, also in a bag from meal prep.
4 Chicken breast cutlets, cooked in Weber's N'Oleans Cajun spices, also meal prepped.
1 can chicken broth
1 can diced tomatoes (no salt added!)
1 pound of shrimp
1 cup dry quinoa
And this go around I added 2 links of Hot Turkey Sausage.
I did not meal prep the sausage, so while that is cooking, I sauté up the zucchini, onion, garlic, and peppers.
 Add in your chicken broth, diced tomatoes and quinoa.
Bring this to a boil, then cover and let simmer for 10 minutes.
 Add in your meats.
Cover and let simmer for 5 minutes.
Uncover and then boil off the excess water.
With this you will not get it completely dry like most Jambalya because the quinoa does not absorb water the way rice does, but it will thicken as it cools to serve!
This recipe serves 4.
Serving size is 1.5 cups.
Ingredients may vary so I recommend making a recipe in your personal myfitnesspal app, for a more accurate logging.
I also really really like spicy food so I add cayenne pepper to it for more of a kick.

Thanks for reading!