Saturday, April 26, 2014



Everyone wants to know which vitamins are the best. Here is the simple answer. If you are taking a vitamin, chances are it is synthetic and your body is only absorbing about 35% of those vitamins.

Yep, you are paying to pee out the rest. 35%! That is it!? Yeah that sucks. Plain and simple that isn't going to do much.

This is why I don't take a vitamin.

Now, what is so impressive about Shakeology?

Pssssssst…. It is not a protein shake!

What! Wait a minutes, I totally thought it was?


Shakeology is an all natural, non-GMO, meal replacement, packed with vitamins made from REAL food! Shocker!

Guess what happens when you get your vitamins from real food and not synthetics?

Your body uses about 85% if not more! Yep you are not pissing away your money, you are actually benefiting from this high absorbency of vitamins in Shakeology!

This is why I drink it, EVERYDAY!

There is no caffeine, no synthetic vitamins, and all from natural foods.

There is nothing on the market like it.

True it promotes healthy digestion, and a wonderful side effect from drinking Shakeology and clean eating is weight loss, more importantly it is promoting health.

I love the results I have obtained from Shakeology and my Beachbody workout programs, it is nice to look great on the outside, it is even better when I know that the inside is matching the outside.

If you are thinking about making a change, a step toward health, I would love to help you.

The next 30 day clean eating challenge will coincide with a new t25 challenge group, starting May 12th. You can join either or both! The last day to sign up is April 30th.

Contact me here, on Facebook ( Tiffany Danielle Willoughby), or email me (

My team, Team Pure Fit, is a wonderful support system and you can be part of it simply by deciding you want to commit to health.

Thanks for reading,

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