Monday, March 24, 2014

Quinoa pasta and Meat sauce

Tonight I made quinoa pasta for the first time! Super easy! However, do not put kale in the oven and get destracted it ends in a smoke alarm going off and wasted delicious kale! 

Anyway, here is what I made tonight:

Here is what you need:

1 Jar of Classico traditional (we use this brand because there is no soy, yes they put soy in sauce for absolutely no reason!)
1 lb of meat (I used venison because that is all we eat in our house but lean turkey or lean beef is a good choice too.)
1 box of Ancient Harvest Quinoa pasta

Follow the directions on your box for the pasta. Brown you meat and drain. Add Classico to meat and simmer while pasta cooks. Combine and enjoy!

A quick dinner for the Italian palate.

Thanks for reading,

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