Friday, April 18, 2014


I would venture to say I am a sandwich lover. 

In fact, I love sandwiches so much I would rather eat them for breakfast than most breakfast foods. 

When I came to the stark realization that something I loved so much was wrecking havoc on my body I was devastated. 

Yep, devastated. I am not exaggerating.  

So I have been on a quest to find a good tasting bread that was gluten free and dairy free; since I was doing that why not try to find one that is egg free too so Andrew can join in the sandwich life. 

After 2 months of searching I have found one! ONE THAT I LOVE!

Food for Life is the maker of this little bag of deliciousness!

And here is the trick, it is located in your grocery store's organic section and in the freezer. We keep ours in the fridge at home and then I "toast" the bread in a frying pan on the stove before assembling our sandwiches.

This bread is awesome. It has a little sweetness much like honey oat bread would!

It is a pricey at $5.49 per loaf but really that is not bad considering I won't be doubled over in pain after eating it and my kid can eat it too!

Thanks for reading,

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