Monday, March 17, 2014

Fresh Salmon, Mashed Potatoes, and Roasted Asparagus

Hi All!

Tonight I did something special: fresh salmon, adapted mashed potatoes, and roasted asparagus.

First, I usually buy skin on salmon from the fish department at Publix. The Publix near us has a phenomenal fish department!

I baked the salmon at 350 degrees for 20 minutes in a pyrex dish covered with foil and seasoned with Emeril's Fish Season and Majic's Salmon Season.

Next, I peeled four large white potatoes, cut them into quarters and boiled them just like normal.

Once finished cooking, I drained them and put them in a large bowl. I added 1/4 cup of Rice Milk and 1/4 cup Earth Balance and blended with my mixer. I added salt and pepper to taste (very little salt).

This recipe for the mashed potatoes is great for anyone with a dairy allergy. Plus, the Earth Balance we buy is "soy free" which is great for people with soy allergies as well!

Lastly, the asparagus, snap the ends put on a cookie sheet and sprinkle with parmesan cheese, let roast for 12 minutes.


Currently I have 2 spots left for the April 7th Team Fitini 30 Clean Eating Challenge.

We eat food just like this and all the recipes you find here. For more information, contact me here, Facebook (Tiffany Danielle Willoughby), or email (

Thanks for reading,

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