Sunday, September 7, 2014

Baby Steps

I often forget what it was like when I first started my fitness and health journey. I forget that I am no where near where I am today. I didn't dive head first into clean eating when I first started. In fact, I had no idea what clean eating what when I started.

Lets go back to the 255lb, size 22, unhealthy, unhappy, girl I was in September of 2012.

I woke up one day and said, " I don't want to feel like this anymore."

That was it. That was the first step.

Now, a lot of people have that first step. But then, I hear people say things like, "I just don't know where to start." Or my personal favorite, "I just don't have the time or money."

Lets call that second one what it really is, "I just don't make it a priority." We can talk more about this one later.

The first one though, I know what that feels like. I was totally there. I just didn't feel like I was properly educated enough to fix the problem. It seems silly right?

I mean really? How hard could it be to know that you should eat veggies and fruits instead of potato chips.

No, I didn't really understand that even "the good stuff" I was consuming was holding me back.

So, first baby step for me was recognition, then the second step was ASKING FOR HELP!

WHAT!? WAIT, WHAT!? Yes, help! So this is what I did.

I asked my very good friend, who is a beach body coach, to help me. And she did.

She came over and worked out with me so I could see if I wanted to do the program Insanity.

And thats how it started. Then everyday, everyday, I pressed "play" and did the Insanity workouts. EVERYDAY.

I lost 75 pounds that way.

It was a baby step. No, no, I couldn't do those workouts in their entirety or even most of the moves in the beginning. But then something started to happen. I GOT STRONGER! Before long I was competing with myself to push a little harder each day, to make myself try at least one push up off my knees, to get a little deeper in my squats, to jump a little higher, to get one more repetition in.

It doesn't happen over night. These things take time and practice.

I became a beach body coach because I experienced beach body. I believe in the programs because they helped me and thousands of other people. Now I just want to help you achieve your goals.

Are you ready to take some baby steps?

I'm ready to help you. Contact me, lets talk.


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