Monday, March 31, 2014

Focus T25

How about we talk for a minute about Focus T25?

This program has different levels, it starts with Alpha, goest to Beta, and finishes with Gamma.

I just finish my first week of the Alpha program.

What I LOVE:
1. There is a modifier on screen! If you can't do high impact this is awesome!
2. It is only 25 minutes of your entire day, er-body got time fo that!
3. It is still Shaun T ;)
4. It is a great beginner program!

Even if you are super, and I mean super, out of shape this is a great first step because there is a modifier and it isn't crazy like the Insanity program but it is still cardio to help you drop that weight!

Don't get me wrong, even if you are modifying it is hard. HARD! But doable.

Fitness is more than just working out, to me anyway, it is about seeing how you can improve yourself.

This is one thing I LOVE about Shaun T.

He says, on more than a few occasions, "it isn't about how many we can do it is about how much you can do." It is all about you after all.

How can you change your body and make yourself stronger?

If you are thinking about taking that first step toward fitness, I would love to help you get there!

Coaching is absolutely FREE, let me help you achieve your goals by following this LINK and lets make a stronger you!

Thanks for reading,

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