Tuesday, March 4, 2014

My journey and how I got here…..

My entire life I have struggled with my body image. I hated my body. I would look at the girls in school and just couldn't understand why I didn't look like them. I look at pictures now and realize I wasn't much different from them at all! How our society makes us feel so much less than is pretty remarkable. My love for my self didn't really start until I saw my best friend turn her life upside down. 
Lets give her a name that will make this easier to follow, lets call her…. K. K went through some very trying times. She decided to do something for her. K decided to order P90x, Insanity, and Shakeology and get her body back! She decide that was one thing she could control in an insurmountable tornado that was her life at the time. I watched her document her journey and I was so inspired. 

I was pregnant with James, my oldest, he is three and half (believe you me that half is important). I was not sick a single day with that kid. I ate everything! I mean everything! During this time K moved home and after James was born I started going to LA fitness to try to get the whopping 85lbs I had gained with my beautiful baby. Looking at K, I knew I needed something more intense to push me harder. She brought Insanity over and worked out with me, the first video I ever did with her was pure cardio! Pure cardio people! She said if you can get through this you can do the program. She didn't tell me about month two! So the next morning I wake up sore. I'm not talking a little sore, I'm talking can't walk, feel like I am going to die sore. I knew right then and there, I need this. I need to do this because I am not one to get defeated and I wanted to conquer it!

I ordered Insanity and completed 2 rounds lost about 45 lbs and then….. its a boy! Yep pregnant with our second child. Andrew was not so kind to my body. I was sick alllllll the time yet still was about to gain about 25 lbs back! Andrew's due date was October 2, 2012, he was born July 30, 2012. My Step-dad, whom I was very close to, passed away on June 10th 2012, the stress of losing him put me into preterm labor. After Andrew was born, I was not eating well, I was consuming a lot of wine, trying to deal with the loss of Bill and the stress of a premature baby, while raising a two year old and being a wife, and daughter. Trying to hold it all together, it was just not healthy. Andrew was very sick, he always has been from the day he was born. Talk about stress, so lets skip forward a few months to September 2012. We were out as a family and my mom took a picture of us. I saw that picture and panicked. Full on, no way I am that big, panic. How did I not notice? Next morning I stepped on the scale…. 255 pounds on my 5'8 frame and in a size 22 pant. Whoa is not even the word, I think the actual word started with an F and ended with a K. 

I already had Insanity but this time I added Shakeology. From September 2012 to present I have lost 81 pounds. It has not been easy. It takes a lot of work and motivation. We are so lucky to live in a world where help is just a click away. I have an amazing support system and awesome coach.
Since January 2014 to present I have lost 13 lbs and a massive majority of that has been through a 30 day clean eating challenge, that I am only half way through.

So why clean eating? In October 2013 we found out that Andrew is allergic to soy, dairy, eggs, berries, peas, grapes, and the list is growing. I had to completely rethink food. I have to be careful about what is around him, what he eats or what he could get a hold of. So I started doing research. Guess what, I have food sensitivities too! Things I never even realized. I cut dairy, no more bloating, no more gassiness. I cut gluten, no more acne!? Yep all related! There are so many people who struggle to love their body and guess what people it starts in the kitchen! Give your body the right foods, you won't only see a difference on the outside but it is so remarkably evident on the inside!

That is my story and how I got here. My goals are to help others learn more about clean eating, share recipes, share work out strategies, and things that I have found work and don't work. Oh and some exciting news, I am now a Team Beach Body Coach! I plan to post everyday starting with foods and adding in fitness.

Thank you for your support through this journey!
