Friday, March 7, 2014

Clean Chicken Fried Rice

Here is one of my favorite meals. True it isn't the absolute best, it is with white rice, but sometimes its ok, remember the 80/20 rule. 80% clean 20% indulge!

Here it is:
 Chicken 8 oz (cooked from meal prep day), Bird's eye steam fresh rice with carrots, peas, and corn, egg white, and eggs.
Mix two eggs with 18 tbs of egg whites, scramble those up and put them in a pan. While those are cooking microwave you steamers one at a time. Once the eggs are mostly cooked up add the chicken. When the steamers are done add those in too.
 Add 4 tbs of lite soy sauce.

Mix all together and there is dinner for 4 in under 10 minutes!

I hope you all are enjoying the blog! Leave any requests in the comments, tomorrow will be especially tasty!

Thanks for reading,

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