Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Clean Eating: Banana Apple Sauce Pancakes

Most of you know, Andrew is allergic to the world. Pancakes are a kiddo favorite so tonight I made my own. Here is how:
1 old banana
1 cup organic apple sauce
1 cup quick cook oats
cinnamon to taste
1 tsp vanilla

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl.

 I use a mixer to blend all the ingredients.

Then place on griddle, cooking at a lower temperature (250 degrees) for about 5 minutes on each side.

I top them with Log Cabin All Natural Maple Syrup. Its a little pricey on the syrup but there is no high fructose corn syrup, just the real and yummy stuff!

This recipe yields about 8 pancakes. And the kids love to help!
This is just one of the many recipes you can use during clean eating! Remember the next mini challenge (only 9 days) starts on March 13th! I have one person already ready to take the challenge, how about you? Even if you are not looking for a challenge group but would like a COACH its free to sign up and let me coach you into a better you!

Thanks for reading!


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